Dumped Dog Giving Back Through Therapy Work
Thor was left behind at a fast food restaurant in Arizona. For more than a month, he was on his own, seeking handouts and hunting for food. That was until Barbara Tilben-Salisbury entered his life and loaded him onto her RV with her four dogs. She recognized a special quality in him. Thor is now a therapy dog who serves other with his love and patience. He was nominated for a 2023 AKC Award of Canine Excellence for his work.
Meet Sierra Hagar: A Dog Sports Enthusiast
Sierra belongs to a family that is all about dog sports. From early childhood she has helped out at flyball tournaments, disc events, scent work trials, and more. Now she is an experienced competitor who enjoys training and trying new sports with her dog as well as helping with the operations side of the events.
Training Tip: Condition Before You Compete
This issue’s training tip is contributed by Jeanne Baker of North Carolina, who has taken her former shelter dog, Abby, to the top heights of agility competition. Abby is a MACH6 and was the number one ranked All American Dog last year! Jeanne shares tips on the importance of keeping ourselves and our competition dogs in shape.
AKC Title Recognition Winter 2024
The AKC works with non-AKC service and sports organizations to recognize the titles that AKC-registered dogs earn in their programs. This includes the AKC Therapy Dog program and the AKC Search & Rescue program. AKC also recognizes titles of the Barn Hunt Association (BHA); North American Diving Dogs (NADD); the North American Flyball Association (NAFA); and UpDog Challenge disc organization. For information on how to apply, go to: AKC Title Recognition Program. Read on to meet All-American Dogs who are recent achievers in these sports.
Earn Your First Title With AKC FIT DOG!
AKC FIT DOG is the perfect first title to earn with your dog! Fun activities such as hiking, walking, and swimming are all great ways to collect points while having fun with your dog. Begin working towards your fitness goals and building healthy habits today!
Winter 2024 Photo Gallery: Snuggle Up
Thank you for sharing photos of your dogs doing their best to stay cozy!
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